Tadic Apologizes for 'Reckless Remarks'

Dusan Tadic has had to answer for his comments about his substitute role against England. The 35-year-old Fenerbahçe forward was not pleased with it, but was reprimanded for his 'reckless remarks'.

Tadic Apologizes for 'Reckless Remarks'
Photo Source: Getty Images

To the surprise of many, Tadic started on the bench against England. After the 1-0 loss, he directed his criticism towards head coach Dragan Stojkovic.

"It was a bit of a tactical decision. The coach wanted to defend first and try to keep a clean sheet, then make the difference later. He was also thinking ahead to the match against Slovenia. We could have hurt them. With me on the field, we could have caused more problems," said Tadic, who is notably the captain of Serbia, to NOS. He went even further in Serbian media. "I am the captain and best player and should be starting."

Defender Nikola Milenkovic expressed a different focus. "The goal is to go as far as possible in this tournament. Football is a team sport, and we all have the same mission. It is up to the coach to make decisions, and everyone must respect that."

The Serbian Football Federation stated that a discussion was held with Tadic and there are no longer any issues. "A conversation took place at the Maximilian Hotel in Augsburg between the coaches and the players. Obligations were discussed, and Dusan Tadic also apologized for his statements after the match against England. We are now preparing for the next match."

Tadic's initial comments caused quite a stir, considering his influential position within the team. As the captain and a key player for Serbia, his remarks carried significant weight. The situation prompted an immediate response from the Serbian Football Federation, emphasizing the need for unity and respect within the team.

Following his apology, Tadic expressed his commitment to the team's goals and the importance of moving forward together. "I regret the way my comments were interpreted and the distraction they caused. My intention was never to undermine the coach or my teammates. We are all focused on achieving the best possible results for Serbia."

The team's preparation for the next match against Slovenia has been intense, with an emphasis on teamwork and strategic adjustments. Coach Dragan Stojkovic highlighted the importance of learning from the previous match and improving their performance. "We have analyzed our game against England and identified areas where we need to be better. Every player understands their role, and we are working hard to ensure we are ready for Slovenia."

The incident has also sparked discussions among fans and analysts about the dynamics within the Serbian team. While some support Tadic's perspective, believing his presence on the field could have made a difference, others agree with the need to respect the coach's tactical decisions.

As Serbia moves forward in the tournament, the focus remains on achieving success through collective effort and maintaining a positive team spirit. The upcoming match against Slovenia is seen as a crucial opportunity to demonstrate their resilience and capability as a team.