Tah confirms his decision and smiles at agent rumors

Jonathan Tah has had a turbulent summer, with the home European Championship and constant transfer rumors. A move did not materialize, but his decision to leave Bayer 04 at the end of the season still stands.

Tah confirms his decision and smiles at agent rumors
Photo Source: Getty Images

Jonathan Tah's summer has been anything but ordinary, marked by constant media speculation surrounding his future and his potential transfer.

In an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Leverkusen defender described the experience as "bizarre," citing the relentless rumors about his next move. “I usually try to keep a healthy distance from everything that’s written,” he explained, “but in this case, I didn’t really have a chance.” The uncertainty reached a peak after Bayer Leverkusen approached him at the end of the season, presenting him with a clear choice: extend his contract or leave the club.

Tah decided not to extend his contract, with the firm intention of seeking new opportunities beyond Leverkusen after a standout season. "After the season we had, it just felt like the right moment to explore something new," he said. His desire for a fresh challenge remains unchanged, even though a move did not materialize over the summer, meaning he will remain with Bayer 04 for the time being.

This decision was not taken lightly, but Tah's approach has been professional and pragmatic. He made sure to communicate his wishes clearly to the club, but once that was done, the ball was out of his court. “What a player can do, I did: clearly and openly communicating my wishes. But at that point, the player is out of the equation, and the clubs have to come to an agreement,” Tah explained. Unfortunately, in this situation, no deal was reached, leaving the player in a state of limbo for much of the transfer window.

Despite this, Tah has no ill feelings toward Leverkusen. He refuses to point fingers or place blame on a club to which he feels a deep sense of gratitude. “I’m definitely not going to point the finger at this club, to which I owe so much. And I really appreciate that they reconsidered. It’s clear that, for both sporting and personal reasons, it’s important to them that I stay,” Tah said, emphasizing that there was no tension between him and the club. His teammates, too, have been supportive, with Tah expressing appreciation for the fact that “no one has looked at me sideways.”

One rumor that particularly caught his attention was the speculation that he had distanced himself from his agents. Tah was quick to dismiss such claims, finding them laughable. “That was one of those moments that made me smile when I read it. How do people come up with something like that? My agents and I are in the same boat, and we’re rowing in the same direction,” he affirmed, reinforcing that his relationship with his agents remains strong and aligned with his goals.

As for his immediate future, it is now clear that Tah will see out the remainder of his contract at Leverkusen, which expires at the end of the current season. “My decision is as clear as it was before,” he reiterated, adding that his focus has now shifted entirely to the upcoming season. For Tah, the challenge ahead is to prove that his impressive form last season was no fluke. “Now it’s about confirming this performance, to show myself: Okay, that wasn’t a fluke, not just a mode for one season, but this is my level, this is where I am now.”

Despite the turbulence of the summer, Jonathan Tah is approaching the new season with determination. His decision to leave Leverkusen still stands, but until then, he’s committed to performing at his best for the team and continuing his upward trajectory. With his sights set on maintaining his high level of play, Tah is ready to prove that his development is far from over.